The Jay Heritage Center meadow is prominently located at the heart of a culturally significant landscape.
The site is part of a surviving remnant of the farm where founding father John Jay grew up and returned to after the American Revolutionary War.
The meadow occupies a space long managed as open land, previously for agriculture and then, during the estate era, as a lawn terrace foregrounding views of Long Island Sound. The meadow honors this land use history while providing contemporary ecological benefits, including replacing invasive exotic vegetation that had colonized the site. The meadow also serves as a wilder counterpart to the historic gardens redesigned by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects.
LWLA continues to provide the Jay Heritage Center with meadow management services.

Historic view of current meadow area, Jay Heritage Center Archives

Historic view of current meadow area, Jay Heritage Center Archives
Project Details
Meadow Design
Meadow Installation
Meadow Management